Hand Trampling

Girls trampling on hands

Princess Serena caught this guy with his hand in the cookie jar. She was not about to let him walk scot-free so she did what she felt was the best way to go about it. The mistress wore high heels and she used them to trample his hands. She wanted him to feel so much pain that the next time he felt like stealing, he would remember what he felt and stop it.

This mistress likes to do crazy things to incompetent people because she feels that doing so makes them to change and it makes them be competent. She did so to this guy who was handling some work for her. She had hired him but she realized he was incompetent. She hand trampled him and she told him that was his payment as he had not done what she wanted and what they had agreed.

Mistress Ronja did not like how her boyfriend drunk. They did not spend any quality time together because he was always drunk. She did not want it to go on and she was contemplating breaking up with him. But she gave him one more chance and it entailed crushing his hands with her high heels. She crushed him until he was sober. And then she continued and told him she had given him a last chance.

Mistress Zora did not want to let this guy get away with what he had done. He had tried to pickpocket her but she caught him. She did not want him to do it again and she punished him cruelly by hand trampling him. The mistress had very high heels and she used them to crush his hands so that by the end of the punishment, he would think twice before trying to pickpocket anyone again.

This mistress has a hand trampling fetish and she loves to dominate with them. Today she was punishing this loser for what he had done wrong and she, as always, hand trampled him as punishment. But she did not do it barefoot as he had thought she would. Instead, she used her high heels to do it because the heels inflicted worse pain and made it a punishment to remember.

This guy acted all strong and alpha male and mistress Vanny wanted to test him. So she invited him to her house and after he had given her a dose of his bragging, she tested him out. He was too proud to refuse so she used her high heels to trample him. She started with his hands and fingers before she moved to the rest of his body. He was in pain and struggled to endure it so as to keep his reputation intact.

Mistress Jane did not want to be the one to remind her slave all the time for things she felt he should be remembering or even reminding her. She had to find a way to make it punitive for him to forget and she did it by trampling his hands. She had him place his hands on the floor and she used her boots to trample them and crush them painfully.

Madame Marissa hand trampled this guy for trying to steal from her. She did not like what he had done and she sought to punish him. She cruelly hand trampled him and she made sure he felt a lot of pain. He tried to ask for forgiveness but she told him he deserved everything that was happening to him because he was basically a thief and he needed to be taught a lesson.

Mistress Imane wanted to send a message to this loser that it was unacceptable to call her names. She went to his house and she found him in the kitchen. She beat the shit out of him and she made sure he would never piss her off again. He learned his lesson the hard way and he apologized profusely before she forgave him and let him go but warned him never to do it again.

Madame Marissa is a perfectionist and this guy did not know it. She had given him some work to do for her but he did a shoddy job of it and she had to show him that it was unacceptable to her. So the mistress used her high heel boots to trample his hands. She did it on the keyboard where he was playing games instead of doing her work.

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